Thursday, January 17, 2013

Whom Do I Envy? What Do I Lie About?

Sometimes I find myself envying other students that are more successful than me.  For instance, I feel like I have failed or I could have done better if someone gets a better grade or gets accepted into a better college than me.  Also, whenever someone asks me if I did good on a test or not I tell them I did good even if I didn’t do as well as I would have liked.  However, by envying and telling white lies I recognize that I need to own up to who I am no matter what other people may think about me.  I realize that all I can do is my personal best and past that I shouldn’t let other people’s success intimidate me.  I should be proud of all my many achievements and learn that you can’t always be the best in life.  I will strive to be the best me that I can be!

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