Thursday, February 28, 2013

Website associated with my mentorship

Technology incorporated in my project

I plan to center my project on the different medical fields that best fit my interests and career goals. I plan to do this by incorporating how each field has different technological medical equipment to treat patients. I will use technology such as PowerPoint, Prezi, YouTube, search engines, article clippings, and Microsoft Word in order to accomplish my final project thoroughly and interestingly. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Brené Brown- vulnerability Q & A

Brené Brown

How would you answer, “Sometimes, I am afraid that I am not ……enough”.

Whenever I think that sometimes, I am afraid that I am not enough I always tell myself that I am always enough even though I am an imperfect person.  I can’t change who I am so I am going to be myself and I will always be enough for the people who love me unconditionally.


How do YOU define vulnerability?

I define vulnerability as the fear of not amounting up to what people expect of you in a given situation.


Why do you struggle with vulnerability?

I struggle with vulnerability because I always fear letting people down and not living up to their expectations of me.  Sometimes I refuse to put myself in a certain situations because I fear failing.


What did you tell yourself when faced with something you thought insurmountable?

I tell myself that I can do anything with enough determination and motivation, when something seems insurmountable.  Even if I don’t succeed on the first attempt I can pick myself up and try again until I succeed.  I was made with all the tools I need to accomplish anything I put my mind to.




Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Dr. Siegel Reflection Questions

1. Which of the three R’s do you feel you need to develop?

I need to develop resilience more, because sometimes I let narrow-minded thinking take over and define how I react and act in certain situations.  I need to learn how to let certain situations or ways of thinking not define me and my emotions.

2. What are three books you’ve read in the past year?

I have read The Hunger Games, Pretty Little Liars, and Brave New World in the past year.

3. As a child, what did you do in your free time?

When I was a child, in my free time I would choreograph dances and routines with my sister to showcase to my family.  I would also play with a lot of Barbie’s and jump on my trampoline with my friends.  

4. What’s a goal that has been on your list for a few years?

A goal of mine that has been on my list for a few years is to excel and push my hardest in school, so that I can become valedictorian at the end of my senior year.

5. What do you actually do with your free time?

In my free time I usually study, spend time with my friends, exercise, or relax and watch TV.

6. What types of activities energize you?

Activities that energize me are reflecting on life and spiritual concepts with my friends and family.  Also, participating in competition cheerleading and taking a break from built up stress greatly energizes me.

7. What famous people intrigue you?

Famous people that intrigue me are people like Kim Kardashian or Lindsay Lohan, due to the fact that I reflect on the fact that there has to be more to these people than just being famous and looking good. There has to be some kind of underlying deep emotional issues that make these types of famous people become so addicted to fame.  It intrigues me to know what makes them act the way they do.